Resting his chin in his hands and enjoying the Spanish sun, this man in a red England shirt has no idea that he is about to come face to face with a rampaging, enraged beast.
Seconds later he is fleeing for his life as one bull leaps into the stands at a bullring and charges through the crowd.
At least 40 people were injured when the 1,100lb animal scaled the perimeter fence and tore through the crowd in Tafalla, Spain, sending spectators fleeing for their lives.

Among the injured was a ten-year-old boy, who was taken to hospital with serious stomach wounds. One man was gored in the back.
The incident happened during an event attended by about 3,500 spectators, in which contestants known as recortadores try to get a bull to charge at them so they can dodge it.
But the bull jumped out of the ring, clearing two barriers before landing in the stands and lurching through the screaming crowd, charging at everything it could.
He appeared to be taking particular aim at the man in the England jersey.
But, despite the phrase 'like a red rag to a bull', the animals are actually colour blind. When a matador waves his red cape in the ring, it is the movement, not the colour, that attracts the creature.

One brave spectator even grabbed the bull by the tail in an attempt to slow it down. The animal had already tried to jump into the stands twice.
After damaging a horn, it was about to be returned to the corral and replaced with another bull when it tried a third time and succeeded.
The panic on Wednesday lasted for several minutes before handlers managed to rope the bull and bring it under control. It was later killed.