Marina bay sands hotel | Singapore’s second casino-resort

Singapore's second casino, at $5.94 billion, the second most expensive in the world.
Marina bay sands hotelThe $5.9 billion Marina Bay Sands, the world's No.2 most expensive casino after MGM Mirage's

CityCenter in Las Vegas, has opened in Singapore.

Marina bay sands hotelMarina Bay Sands is expected to generate as much $US1 billion in annual profit.

Marina bay sands hotelThe hotel lobby of the Marina Bay Sands on its opening day in Singapore.

Marina bay sands  casino-resortThe Marina Bay Sands casino gaming hall in Singapore.

Marina bay sands  casino-resortLas Vegas Sands CEO Sheldon Adelson (2nd R) cuts the ribbon next to his wife Miriam,

architect Moshe Safdie (L) and Las Vegas Sands President and COO Michael Leven (R)

during the opening ceremony.

Marina bay sands  casino-resortThe remaining hotel rooms and suites, a skypark and more shops will open on June 23, while

a museum, theatres and other stores will start operations later in the year, the management said.

Singapore’s second casinoThe $US5.5 billion Marina Bay Sands, the world's No.2 most expensive casino after MGM Mirage's

CityCenter in Las Vegas, opens in Singapore.

Singapore’s second casinoPeople queue up to enter the Marina Bay Sands as it opens.

Singapore’s second casinoMarina Bay Sands skypark is on top of the hotel building.

second casino-resortMarina Bay Sands employees pose for photographs in ahead of the casino's opening.

second casino-resortDealers man tables at the casino of the Marina Bay Sands.

second casino-resortPeople stand on a platform of the Helix Bridge leading to the Marina Bay Sands casino in Singapore.

Restaurants-exhibition centre-events plazaA security officer stands at the casino entrance of the Marina Bay Sands.

Restaurants-exhibition centre-events plazaThe opening includes the casino and 963 out of 2560 hotel rooms, a portion of the shopping mall,

some restaurants, an exhibition centre and the events plaza.

Restaurants-exhibition centre-events plazaA dealer performs last minute checks on slot machines at the casino of the Marina Bay Sands.
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