
New Modern Chinese Living Room Ideas to Celebrate Chinese New Year


 This week is the best time for you to start preparing for a new design in your living room looks Chinese New Year is called Imlek. You do not need all of your chairs and table spaces to replace with a new brand in the Chinese style settings, but just with a different device, what kind of “Imlek” indicates. The element that must have in celebrated it is lampion. And always remember the color of the Imlek is red and gold. For the proposal to the 2 or 3 red lantern hanging above the normal living room, a glass of sakura (red or pink) and Sunkist Orange unique in a record. There are a number of modern Chinese living that inspire your living room looks to be redefined. Check out the red, you will see a red-violet fusion living area with wooden table next to La Maison Coloniale. Whether you prefer this living room classic Chinese white gray shows detail, quiet and clean copy of the application of a bamboo curtain? Basically, Chinese living room a modern look, add the necessary equipment and not to busy. One easy and cheap way is by applying a red “Gong Xi Fat Chai” wallsticker.